Article XIII written by Alexander Gunn aka A Native of
Badbea was printed in the Northern Ensign on 4 March 1880 – Part E
Successful Badbea Boys
“I believe that natives of Berriedale and neighbourhood
have gained to themselves positions in society, according to their
circumstances, as honourable as are to be found anywhere; and if we trace their
descendants, we find them following the example of their fathers.”
As an example of this we find descendants and natives of
Badbea at the present time occupying very honourable places.
- One of them is the gentleman whose very interesting
diary from Livingstonia is so familiar to the readers of the Ensign
- Two of them are prosecuting the study of medicine
- And one of these is qualifying himself for missionary
work in the foreign field.
- Another holds the important and responsible position of
head-master in one of the board schools in your own town of Wick, with credit
to himself and to the entire satisfaction of the public.
- Another has charge of a most extensive business in
- Another has the management of an extensive and
responsible business in connection with the shipping interest in Glasgow;
- Another is the enterprising and much-respected miller of
Golspie Mills.
- There are several also in positions of trust in
Caithness and elsewhere: so that the spirit of perseverance and enterprise
which characterised the fathers seems to have been imbibed by the children,
and, as a matter of course, success follows.
My Comments:
First comment is that this blog has given me a ‘headache’!
It’s been tricky for me – not a Gunn, although connected to the Gunns through
Marion Sinclair, wife of John Gunn of Badbea, who was my great, great
grandmother’s half sister – to work out which Gunn was which, especially since given
names are repeated in families over and over again. I have tried to add correct
dates to names to clarify who I think Alexander Gunn is referring to.
But yes that is an impressive list of achievements listed
above. A Native of Badbea has rolled out the big Gunns indeed.
Although he has not actually named them, most of the
men mentioned in Alexander Gunn’s list are relatives of his and descendants of his parents John Gunn (1787-1876) and Marion Sinclair (1787-1837) of Badbea. Sad to say
some of them died within a very short time of his writing.
Livingstonia - John Gunn
The man from
Livingstonia was John Gunn, (1851-1880) eldest son of William Gunn (1825-1906) and
Margaret Simpson (1829-1922) of Dunbeath and later of Redmill, Whitburn.
William was the fifth son of John Gunn and Marion Sinclair of Badbea. The
Livingstonia Mission, in Central Africa, named in honour of the explorer David
Livingstone was founded by the Free Church of Scotland. It was initially based
on the southern shores of Lake Malawi at Cape Maclear, but was moved not long
after the death of John Gunn to a higher and healthier site. John died of
Blackwater fever in 1880. More information on the history of Livingstonia is
available on-line.
As Alexander Gunn mentions John wrote several articles from his diary which were published in the Northern Ensign. I have included a small extract below.
The Aberdeen
Journal 1881 notes:
Mr. John Hood, sculptor, Wick is presently engaged in the preparation of a very
handsome column monument which is about to be erected in Berriedale burial
ground, to the memory of the late Mr. John Gunn, Free Church Missionary,
Livingstonia, Central Africa. It is constructed of polished Aberdeen
granite, about twelve feet in height and has a very imposing appearance.
On the front tablet is the following inscription "In affectionate memory
of John Gunn, Dunbeath Mills, missionary, Livingstonia, Lake Nyassa, where he
died 1st April 1880 age 29 years. Well done good and faithful
servant". On the right hand side "One of the Pioneers of
Livingstonia, he was much admired for his eminent success. At daybreak,
after his death about 400 natives were seated before the house weeping". On
the left hand side "Friends in Dunbeath and elsewhere, by whom he was much
esteemed, have raised this monument to his memory".

A transcription of the Obituary for John Gunn, Missionary in Livingstonia, can be located at
The memorial at Berriedale Old Cemetery also says about
this family:
In affectionate memory of John Gunn, Dunbeath Mills,
Missionary of Livingstonia, Lake Nyassa. Where he died 1 April 1880 aged 29
years. George A Gunn died Lenzie 6 March 1900 aged 31; Janet Gunn died Caves,
Isle of Wight 18 November 1900 aged 29; Alexander Gunn, Sgt 93 Highlanders died
Upper Burmah 21 July 1903 aged 31; sister and three brothers born at Dunbeath.
Angus Gunn Doctor for Helmsdale and Loth died 4 May 1882 aged 29.
Here are the mother,sisters and a brother-in-law of those
who died in the above sad list.
Seated from left Annie, Margaret Simpson Gunn, Margaret. Standing
Isabella, James Wallen and Catherine.
Angus Gunn
Of the two studying to be doctors one of them was Angus
Gunn (1853-1882) another son of William Gunn and Margaret Simpson. Angus died
of cancer in 1882.
Dr William Gunn
The other doctor was William Gunn (1854-1935) who later
served in Futuna. This William was the fifth son of James Gunn (1818-1893),
miller at Westerdale Mill, and Margaret McLeod (1815-1899).
Rev Dr William Gunn - Futuna
The missionary mentioned was the same William Gunn (1854-1935) who with his wife Margaret Mathieson (1854-1932) were missionaries in Futuna, New
Hebrides between 1883 and 1917. Three of their six young children died on
Futuna. He is referred to in the missionary literature as the Rev Dr William
Gunn, Medical Missionary of the United Free Church of Scotland.
1. Meeting with the Catechumens, North Coast of Futuna.
2. Rev. Dr. Gunn, Futuna. 3. Futuna Church. 4. North Coast of Futuna. 5. Manse,
Futuna.” Press cutting of five photographs depicting Futuna Island. The
Presbyterian church first provided doctors in 1883, when Dr. William Gunn
(1853-1935) arrived from Scotland, and by the early 1900s there were six
medical missionaries in the New Hebrides [Vanuatu]. He worked on Futuna until
1917 and died at Roseville, New South Wales.
George Gunn
George Gunn (1846-1933) F.E.I.S., F.S.A. (Scot) was 42 years headmaster at
North Public School Wick. George was a son of James Gunn and Margaret McLeod.
His wife was Helen McCulloch (1853-1933)
L.L.A., F.E.I.S.
George assisted with the building of the Badbea memorial
cairn. Both George and Helen officiated at the unveiling of the Badbea memorial
in 1912 both giving very informative speeches. Not only were the Badbea descendants
very high achievers but many also had big families with George noting the
difficulty he had in selecting the names of those to be included on the plaques
“One of the natives of the
district who died some time ago had, I found, 125 descendants, including 68
grandchildren and 46 great grand children!"
Sons of James Gunn and Margaret McLeod
Angus1844-1928 Miller
Portagower, William 1854-1935 Futuna Missionary, Alex 1852-1936 Tailor, George1846-1933 Wick School, John 1842-1927 Golspie Mill.
John Gunn - Golspie
John Gunn of Golspie Mill (1842-1927) son of James Gunn
and Margaret McLeod.
At the foot of the Badbea Memorial Cairn – John Gunn,
formerly of Golspie Mills, and now of Glasgow; Miss Sutherland, daughter of Mr
and Mrs Sutherland; Mr David Sutherland, New Zealand, by whose instructions the
memorial was erected, Mrs Sutherland. Source: John O Groat Journal 25 Dec 1924
I have not found out who had the business in London or
Glasgow but suspect that the Glasgow man may have been a son of our ‘Native of